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Reed College
Student Senate



Submissions are listed here for one week before being removed.
They will be removed if event has passed. 

Periodic Table of Cupcakes!!!


The Reed American Chemical Society (ACS) Chapter chapter is hosting our annual periodic table cupcake decorating event on Wednesday, March 6th from 5 pm to 7 pm outside Commons (GCC Patio). We ask that you decorate the cupcake for a randomly assigned periodic element and send us a picture so that we can add your cupcake to our periodic table!

Then you get to eat the cupcake in whatever manner you see fit!!!

First come first serve. Vegan and gluten-free options are available.

Extended Gym Hours on the Weekends

Let us know your preferences for extending the gym hours on the weekend by filling out this form-


Senators Meera Balan and Philip Dussin

Restorative Practices Community Building Training

Join the Restorative Practices Team's at their training on community circles: the foundations of restorative work! The RPT will walk through the basics of a community circle, discuss how to facilitate productive conversations, and prepare participants for higher level training from professional practitioners later this semester. If you're an incoming HA, in a leadership position at your job, or just want to learn how our team works, please stop by! Friday March 8th, Aspen Multipurpose Room.

Thesis Word Lottery

Thesis Word Lottery is a Reed tradition that seeks to add a little low-effort whimsy & pizazz to the thesis experience!


How it works:

1. Submit a random word from your thesis (niche enough to be a challenge, but not impossible)

2. Later, we send you a random word from someone else's thesis, and you include it in your own thesis


Sign up here:

Budgeting Crash Course

Are you struggling to keep track of your income and expenses? Trying to match your financial behavior to your financial goals? Wondering how to plan for the unexpected on a college student’s variable income? Come to the Budgeting Crash Course workshop and learn how to slay your budget!


Tuesday, March 5, 2024, 5:30-7:00 PM in GCC-BCD. Snacks and refreshments provided!

ARG Video Game Night

ARG Game Night 3/9! Come on by for fun and games of any skill level! Snacks and drinks provided!

Thesis formatting help every Wednesday and Thursday 5:30-6:30pm

Come to the help Desk in the ETC for help getting your thesis into the template, or help using the templates. Remember, you may not submit a google doc as your thesis, it must be in one of the templates!


Paradox Cafe here. We're excited to be hosting the first ever Senior Thesis Symposium! It's time we showcase what we've been doing! By seniors for seniors too!! This is like so informal don't even worry like it can just be you and a vibe telling ppl what your thesis is on. Like if you want you can present slides or graphs or show the material you've been working on. We'll have a projector and drinks.


It'll be the first week of April (after first drafts are due) and it'll take place in Paradox Olde shoppe.


More info in the google form sign-up linked here


Questions? Email or


On campus speed limit is 10 mph no matter what type of vehicle you are using. This includes everything from cars and bikes to scooters and one-wheels. This has become a hazard for pedestrians on campus. Announcement from the Occupational Health and Safety Committee.

JSU Purim Ball

Purim is a party holiday with costumes and religiously mandated drinking (think Jewish Halloween)! It celebrates the Jewish people’s survival, based on the Book of Esther. Join JSU for a night of music, dancing, mocktails, and more! Dressing up is encouraged :)

Socially Engaged Art Club

What if you could create art, make things, pursue your personal skills and interests, and redefine community?

In an attempt to define Socially Engaged Art, this space is an opportunity for people to hone into their personal skills, interests, talents and dreams. In this way, this community exists to support these individual endeavors by also fostering a new collective. Don't worry if this may seem confusing, we will all continue to talk about what Socially Engaged Art means and could be.

Join the Socially Engaged Art Club on Fridays from 2 to 4pm in PAB 130 to explore what Socially Engaged Art could become at Reed!

AOD Questions

Please leave any questions regarding AOD, whether it's understanding medical amnesty better or the levels of violations; let us know your concerns. These will be answered by Cameron Tanner, Assistant Dean for Student Rights and Responsibilities. As many answers as possible will be provided in the quest. Link to form-


-Senator Meera Balan and Bella Moore

Thess Kama

Thesis Karma

Thesising seniors can submit thesis related announcements below!


Hello! I am currently seeking participants to take part in my thesis survey which will aid me in examining individual’s perception of various short stories that present scenarios encountered in daily life. In order to participate you must be 18 or older and a student at Reed, that’s it! The survey is anonymous and should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete and is best done on a computer, but can be done on your phone as well. You will also have the opportunity to enter to win $50 through a lottery.



Contact me at with any questions.


Thank you so much! <3


Hello! I am currently seeking participants to take part in my thesis survey which will aid me in examining individual’s perception of various short stories that present scenarios encountered in daily life. In order to participate you must be 18 or older and a student at Reed, that’s it! The survey is anonymous and should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete and is best done on a computer, but can be done on your phone as well. You will also have the opportunity to enter to win $50 through a lottery.



Contact me at with any questions.


Thank you so much! <3

Listen to a conversation in my thesis survey!

Hi! Are you between 18-30 years old (inclusive)? Do you speak English? I’m seeking participants for my thesis and would love it if you would be one! That just means taking a short survey - about 10-15 minutes - in which you’ll listen to a brief recording of a conversation and then answer some questions. If you have any questions you can contact me at Thank you!!



Are You tired? Overwhelmed? Questioning the very system of academia and your role within it? Come tell me about it! Take my survey on academic motivation and the costs of an education at Reed! Seeking all Reedies, but ESPECIALLY THOSE WITH ADHD. You could win $50!


Take the survey here:

Alcohol and other Drug use Survey!

Have you consumed alcohol, cannabis, or other drugs in the past month? Are you comfortable answering questions about your quality of life, peer relationships, and substance use?  If so, then help this thesising senior by completing a 15-20 minute survey! All responses will be kept confidential. When the survey is completed, you will be qualified to enter a psych department wide raffle for a $50 cash prize! .


If you have any questions please reach out and contact Thank you for considering participating in this survey!

Speaking Voices Needed for a Studio Art Thesis!

Can you spare 2-4 hours? It would be awesome if you could contribute your voice to a conversational audio recording! Don't worry if you don't have voice acting experience— I'll guide you through it. I have a microphone, script, and editing software, so you just need to come ready to speak.


To know about the project and available characters to voice, here's more info:


AND if you participate, I can get you ~$10 worth of a meal/snack/gift card (as long as it comes with a receipt for Reed reimbursement purposes). And I can give you the final audio too.


Thank you for reading! :)  —  Er Brady (they/them)  —

Asian American Film/TV Research

Do you have an interest in Asian American produced media? Participate in Asian American film and tv show screenings and tell me about it! Participation takes about an hour and a half and snacks and food will be provided at screenings and group discussions. Refer to this link for more info and to sign up for a slot that works for you! I can be contacted at if you have any additional questions.

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